Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, breaks + beats growing up with SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's,
shoots the most random subjects and blogs as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Ding dong! Ogilvy man delivered 2 purrs the other day (Mae Day). Big shout outs to Nike Philippines, Ogilvy and Jandric!
 photo IMG_0521_zps424e5c66.jpg

Unstoppable Power.
 photo IMG_0519_zps1965bf03.jpg

Better late than never. I love these!
 photo IMG_0510_zps839c04da.jpg

Now, who wants free shoes?


Comments (2)

ka-ching! present..

ka-ching! present..