Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Sunday, October 26, 2014

We are back here, at Paeng's Eastwood Bowl, for another episode of Bcal's Sunday Bowling. Who's ready for some strikes?
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Biggest turn out yet.
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First game scores. Man, I suck.
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Magoo's Pizza Dog, dawg. A must try!
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My second game was bad, really BAD. I didn't even reach a hundred pinfalls. -_____-
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I still had fun, though. You are all welcome to join us next time!
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I usually keep Sundays alcohol-free but after two bad games I needed this.
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And these, FRIED OILY GOODNESS. Mmmmm...
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What's your average score?

Comments (1)

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