Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, breaks + beats growing up with SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's,
shoots the most random subjects and blogs as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2008

And I loved it!

McGangBang = McChicken sandwich x double cheeseburger

I learned about this secret McDonald's item on and ordered it earlier. Check every page for photos and videos of people who've ordered this treat.

The dude at the drive thru didn't get what I wanted even after I explained what it was so he asked me to proceed to the window. Good thing the manager was cool with it. He presented my sammich in a half open Big Mac box since it wouldn't fit.

All I can say is that you should try ordering it.

The whole experience from explaining what it is to finishing the McGangbang is truly an awesome trip.

Just don't forget to pop some Lipitor in your mouth the next day.

Shout out to the crew of McDonald's Quezon Avenue for being a good sport. Thanks again!


Comments (3)

I fear for your rectum, and your toilet, well and your cholesterol, and I guess your heart too.
You are diabetic now too by the way.

^ Yo what happened to your PI trip? Did it push through? I was ready to be your tour guide.

next year. we budgeted about two grand for tickets and when we got ready to buy fuel prices had pushed the airfare closer to 5 g's so we are cooking it up for 2009 and you will be in on it promise