| Posted in | Posted on Saturday, November 30, 2024
Last-minute itinerary today? Snoqualmie and North Bend! A short 50-minute drive from Seattle.
What a view!
Ze wife putting her Fujifilm to work.
My shot, not hers. LOL.
I wish I could paint.
Remember back during early Covid-19 when Costco sold cheap gift cards for this place? It's hella pricey now.
Choo-choo, Snoqualmie!
Naughty and nice.
Chatted with Santa for a bit. To my surprise, he was not the real one. JK, lol.
I always ask first if I can take their photos.
Ran into these folks on the corner of jolly and merry.
All abooooooooard! Check out the Yuletide Express HERE. Tickets sell out weeks ahead!
No logo.
Randomly saw this gang driving from Snoqulamie to North Bend!
BRUH. First time seeing elks in the wild! Check out the exact location HERE.
I know it doesn't look it from this photo but I was nowhere near the elks. I'm not stupid. LOL.
UGH. I should have brought my telephoto lens with me! Shout out to the officer who let me off without a ticket. I illegally pulled over to the side of the road to snap this photo with the mountains in the back. (There is a parking lot where the last 3 photos were taken from but I wanted a better background.)
No elk meat? 🤣
Clouds looking like cotton candy.
Slice of cherry pie and a cup of coffee. (Twin Peaks reference just in case.)
Back in the city.
I needed some wonder balsam and waxed flat laces for my bewtz.
We just had to because it never gets old!
Night night, yall! Oh wait, it's only 7pm.
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