| Posted in | Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009
Last Friday, I went back to the same school I previously visited to read to kids. This time, I was with a new group who came in full force. I picked the morning schedule since the call time was only 2 hours after work. It was better than going home, sleeping for 3 or 4 hours then getting up to join the afternoon group.
From what I was told, the kids from the morning classes are smarter. Why? I have no idea. I guess the public school system here separates the bright children from the not so bright ones.
On with the photos...

Service vehicles

Hello kids!

Cris with the book

With Armand

Click to play
The other class

I smiled for her

Say cheese!

Click to play
Sun baked

Armand with a lovely little girl. She gave me a hug before leaving.

3 stars and a sun

The volunteers

Our second class

How pretty

Raise your hands up in the air!

Kids FTW

Click to play
Upside down


Could this be my last CSR activity with HSBC?
From what I was told, the kids from the morning classes are smarter. Why? I have no idea. I guess the public school system here separates the bright children from the not so bright ones.
On with the photos...

Service vehicles

Hello kids!

Cris with the book

With Armand

Click to play
The other class

I smiled for her

Say cheese!

Click to play
Sun baked

Armand with a lovely little girl. She gave me a hug before leaving.

3 stars and a sun

The volunteers

Our second class

How pretty

Raise your hands up in the air!

Kids FTW

Click to play
Upside down


Could this be my last CSR activity with HSBC?
Big fan of the blog. Your pictures always make me miss home.
Thank you.