Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, raised on SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's and photo blogs with a Fujifilm as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Sunday, February 08, 2009

I've had this fear of doctors ever since I was a little kid. I still remember when my dad would take me to the doctor for a shot and it took hours before I got it because I kept crying and fighting people from holding me down.

The past week has been gruelsome. I've been using my front teeth to chew because one of my molars on the upper left side has decayed beyond use and my right side has been out of service since SF when one of my molars on the bottom right chipped in half.

I finally paid a visit to my new dentist after bugging her for two years. She was probably the first girl I hung out with when I was in 1st/2nd year high school. We lost in touch when I transferred schools even though she only lived five minutes away. I saw her again on Friendster and decided to send her a message after my old dentist disappeared. Where are you Dr. Cunanan?

I had my teeth cleaned and polished after the longest time. She got so much stuff from my teeth that it grossed me out. She also replaced the filling in my upper left molar. She asked me to go to a nearby mall to get a panoramic x-ray.

Look how fucked up my teeth are.

I was depressed after paying my dentist a visit. Now I remember why I didn't go to one for the longest time. It's gonna cost me an arm and a leg to have everything fixed.

This sucks.

I want some Hollywood teeth.

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I'd like to thank my dentist Kim for being patient with me.

I'll see you soon!

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