Seattle transplant, sneaker enthusiast, breaks + beats growing up with SL1200s, huge graffiti head in the 90's,
shoots the most random subjects and blogs as therapy.
Also your favorite #NT Mod. :)

Welcome to my world.



| Posted in | Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2009

My buddy Fran who is visiting from Las Vegas has never been to SM Mall of Asia so I picked him up yesterday and we headed south. He also wanted to check out Hooters to find out if the food, drinks and servers are as good as the ones in the USA.

After going through heavy Monday traffic, we finally reached our destination.

It was dead. Shoulda gone Sunday night.

My drink




What up Ken!

And I thought I was ugly. LOL. Mister Kabab servers look wayyy better.

Lonely? Call...

This has to be the coolest thing I've seen in the past 31 days. Parking sensors. Green light = vacant. Red light = occupied. Now you don't have to stick your head out the window to find a parking space.

Yes homo

Drove to Power Plant Mall after. Minutes after I saw Joey Mead. OMG! I saw Joey Mead in the flesh! You already know what I did when I got home. Cold shower FTL!

Yummy gelato

Thanks for lunch Fran!

Comments (4)

Parang natuwa ka naman mag papix with hooters server :D

Nice wings...say what up to Fran for me. BTW...LeBRICK SUCKS! LOL


I was being nice.

Ha ha.



Fran left Tuesday morning.

See you and your Lakers in Cleveland, biatch.

What happened to your site anyway? lol

you didn't see paolo at hooters i hear he frequents they establishments quite often the girls know him by name