| Posted in AIR TRAINER 1 , LIGHTS OUT , MANNY PACQUIAO , NIKE PARK THE FORT | Posted on Friday, September 25, 2009
It seriously felt like that after leaving the LIGHTS OUT Manny Pacquiao Air Trainer 1 release at Nike Park The Fort. Sam, Armel and I had a light dinner at S&R then proceeded to the venue where we saw people gathered outside the store several hours before the doors opened. Those who got stubs Thursday noon were asked to line up Friday 6pm. Some complained but I like how Nike prepared for this night. Even though it took the longest (try selling 259 pairs and 1,000 tees), it was the most orderly (except for some stubborn people) special release.
The people behind this event did a good job in transforming the store into a club. It totally went with the whole LIGHTS OUT theme. DJ Mars was behind the 1s and 2s and kept the crowd inside entertained for hours.
Look at the amazing set-up!

What people lined up for

Thanks. You know who you guys are.

2 counters, 259 pairs and 1,000 shirts.

Glow glow

Lounge area

Drinks and snacks

Poor Hatton

Ice cold drinks

TGI Friday's for dinner

Sticker exhibit at Mo's Gallery. Can you see my contribution? Some people shook their heads after I showed them what I did to the stubs. There were only 259 pairs but more than 50 people passed on the shoe even though they camped out and got low numbered stubs. Now that's what you should shake your head on. I could've bought 4 extra pairs but I didn't. I'm not greedy. You shouldn't be either.




Rain rain go away (click to play)
Nike Park BHS staff. I know guys and gals are viewing this at the store. Keep up the good work!

Mars' Janoski

Raoul's Blazers



Cool set up (click to play)
I ♥ Ogilvy peeps

Dennis Trillo also supports the Swoosh


Lovely couple

Without the flash, the red light made the salsa look like lugaw. lol

1 on 1

Here we go! (click to play)

Ka-ching! (click to play)

DJ Mars

My main dude

Television interview


Waiting patiently




Another lovely couple



Miggy, Nandro and Kim


More NT'ers


Mars the lucky one

Much love to the following peeps (in no particular order). What up Raoul, what up Tony (dude never let up), what up Miss Mae, what up Jerwin! You fellas did a swell job. Congratulations on another successful event! The Ogilvy team. I HEART YOU ALL. Mike, another superb job! To all the NIKETALK peeps who showed their support. Man oh man! I know more than half of those who lined up are either members or lurkers. Some of you need to work on your social skills and say what up. I don't bite! Ha ha. Nike Park The Fort staff, hey you all! The bouncers. The VERY PATIENT bouncers. Good job guys. The servers who almost got me drunk, I love you guys! To Miggy, Kim and Nandro. Good to see you guys again. weLegendary was in the house too! To all the strangers I talked to, if you're reading this, I'm glad to have helped. What did I tell you? You'd end up getting your pairs in the correct sizes and you all did!
My apologies if I missed anyone.
Until next time!
The people behind this event did a good job in transforming the store into a club. It totally went with the whole LIGHTS OUT theme. DJ Mars was behind the 1s and 2s and kept the crowd inside entertained for hours.
Look at the amazing set-up!

What people lined up for

Thanks. You know who you guys are.

2 counters, 259 pairs and 1,000 shirts.

Glow glow

Lounge area

Drinks and snacks

Poor Hatton

Ice cold drinks

TGI Friday's for dinner

Sticker exhibit at Mo's Gallery. Can you see my contribution? Some people shook their heads after I showed them what I did to the stubs. There were only 259 pairs but more than 50 people passed on the shoe even though they camped out and got low numbered stubs. Now that's what you should shake your head on. I could've bought 4 extra pairs but I didn't. I'm not greedy. You shouldn't be either.




Rain rain go away (click to play)
Nike Park BHS staff. I know guys and gals are viewing this at the store. Keep up the good work!

Mars' Janoski

Raoul's Blazers



Cool set up (click to play)
I ♥ Ogilvy peeps

Dennis Trillo also supports the Swoosh


Lovely couple

Without the flash, the red light made the salsa look like lugaw. lol

1 on 1

Here we go! (click to play)

Ka-ching! (click to play)

DJ Mars

My main dude

Television interview


Waiting patiently




Another lovely couple



Miggy, Nandro and Kim


More NT'ers


Mars the lucky one

Much love to the following peeps (in no particular order). What up Raoul, what up Tony (dude never let up), what up Miss Mae, what up Jerwin! You fellas did a swell job. Congratulations on another successful event! The Ogilvy team. I HEART YOU ALL. Mike, another superb job! To all the NIKETALK peeps who showed their support. Man oh man! I know more than half of those who lined up are either members or lurkers. Some of you need to work on your social skills and say what up. I don't bite! Ha ha. Nike Park The Fort staff, hey you all! The bouncers. The VERY PATIENT bouncers. Good job guys. The servers who almost got me drunk, I love you guys! To Miggy, Kim and Nandro. Good to see you guys again. weLegendary was in the house too! To all the strangers I talked to, if you're reading this, I'm glad to have helped. What did I tell you? You'd end up getting your pairs in the correct sizes and you all did!
My apologies if I missed anyone.
Until next time!
Hey man! I noticed you labeled The Supreme Bruins as Blazers. Before those shoes came out, blogs were calling the Bruins as a hybrid Blazer low. Is this really the case?
My bad. They are indeed Bruins. Goes to show that I don't know everything. Ha ha.