| Posted in Commune , Trilogy , weLegendary | Posted on Saturday, July 11, 2009
Lunch party at Shangri-la Finest Chinese Cuisine after the Christening of Edong's daughter.

Mother and daughter

Bird's nest


The gang

Notti (w/ his girl) x weLegendary


After lunch Mark and I went to his store where he showed me the new arrivals. While waiting for him and his crew to unload stuff a family from Bulacan made the trip to the store after reading the SB launch feature story in Ms. Clavel Magazine. I helped the kid choose which shoe to buy. I swear his parents were the nicest.

Wip Caps. 900 pesos. Lasalle inpsired.

Ateneo inspired

New decks

My top 3 picks

There was nothing else to do so we headed to Makati for some good beer and made a few quick stops on our way to Grappa's. Saw DJ Skratchmark and Angelo (AMS) walking down the street.

Mark buying something

Should've tried the food

Several blocks from Trilogy...


Commune x Asia Massive Selector x weLegendary

Greenbelt parking

Angelo clearing out the ATM machine

Miko with a pair of SB Kruegers

BEST LOCAL BEER = GRAPPA'S. Try all 4 brews. Light, Classic, Weizen and Dark.

We had to leave early as DJ SkratchMark had a 10:30pm set at Embassy. Sharksfin siomai FTW.

Waiting for DJ SkratchMark

Angelo requested for this shot

DJ SkratchMark's Air Jordan Is

We wanted some Red Stripe from The Distillery but it was out of stock. We wanted to look at some SBs at Five-O but they didn't let us in as they were about to close. Fuckers.

Final stop. Embassy. Good lookin' out Mark!

Bye bye Fly!


Mother and daughter

Bird's nest


The gang

Notti (w/ his girl) x weLegendary


After lunch Mark and I went to his store where he showed me the new arrivals. While waiting for him and his crew to unload stuff a family from Bulacan made the trip to the store after reading the SB launch feature story in Ms. Clavel Magazine. I helped the kid choose which shoe to buy. I swear his parents were the nicest.

Wip Caps. 900 pesos. Lasalle inpsired.

Ateneo inspired

New decks

My top 3 picks

There was nothing else to do so we headed to Makati for some good beer and made a few quick stops on our way to Grappa's. Saw DJ Skratchmark and Angelo (AMS) walking down the street.

Mark buying something

Should've tried the food

Several blocks from Trilogy...


Commune x Asia Massive Selector x weLegendary

Greenbelt parking

Angelo clearing out the ATM machine

Miko with a pair of SB Kruegers

BEST LOCAL BEER = GRAPPA'S. Try all 4 brews. Light, Classic, Weizen and Dark.

We had to leave early as DJ SkratchMark had a 10:30pm set at Embassy. Sharksfin siomai FTW.

Waiting for DJ SkratchMark

Angelo requested for this shot

DJ SkratchMark's Air Jordan Is

We wanted some Red Stripe from The Distillery but it was out of stock. We wanted to look at some SBs at Five-O but they didn't let us in as they were about to close. Fuckers.

Final stop. Embassy. Good lookin' out Mark!

Bye bye Fly!

What are the new SB's at welegendary?:)
need to know where is the lego store in makati...mother in law is on her way back here in texas next tuesday..i need those watch...please email me at dbaut1sta@yahoo.com...any info will be greatly appreciated...