| Posted in | Posted on Sunday, March 17, 2013
My youngest son's classmate had an early birthday celebration yesterday at Crowne Plaza and I got to take two of my kids to the party. Yay for me and yay for them! And people wonder why I still stick around. It's called never-ending love, bruh.

Happy birthday Ady!

Such an ill stage backdrop. Yoda's head tilted sideways.

I wonder if they sliced and ate this after the party.

Cute cupcakes.

Some of the many prizes.

Loot bags.

Game booths.

Some light snack before the main program.
Buffet for the grown ups.

Our table.

Gourmet Footwear on my feet.

Stripes kind of day.

Let the fun begin!

I made sure that my son's light saber was labeled properly. Two kids lost theirs!

I can never finish this game in one try. My youngest didn't get far either.
My second son has a mean arm and knocked down a few targets. MLB pitcher in the making?

A kiss for each.

Darth Vader is alive! I lost it when he did the Harlem Shake by himself for about a minute until...

He got mobbed by the kids, lol.

Juani with the sneak attack but Darth Vader sensed him coming.

Time to eat!

The food was hella good.

The kids enjoyed the magic show so much.

This nanny ended up going home with both of her hands. (one was wrapped in a bloody plastic bag, j/k)

This part was pure comedy.

Awwwww we didn't make it!

Blurry photo but you can see little Yoda creeping up on Darth Vader.
Time to blow the candle!

Small blue balloons got bigger prizes.
Scramble for candy.

Ady's mom thanking everyone.

Photo op with Darth Vader.
With 2 of the 3 Munsy Boys.

Thank you Ady! We had so much fun. We'll see you next school year. Have a great birthday and we hope you like your gift.
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